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Asaya Health Insights

Addressing Toxic Burden

20 Aug 2024
Addressing Toxic Burden

Have you ever taken a moment to consider what you’re really putting into your body and environment? From the food we eat and the products we use to the air we breathe, we’re constantly surrounded by chemicals. In fact, we encounter over 20,000 chemicals every second—from our food and clothing to our household items and electronics. While it’s nearly impossible to avoid all chemicals, we can take meaningful steps to reduce our exposure and lessen the impact on our health and our loved ones.

A study conducted in 2005 by the Environmental Working Group revealed that newborn babies had over 200 chemicals in their umbilical cords. This startling finding highlights just how early we start accumulating toxins and may help explain the increasing rates of health issues worldwide. Many of these chemicals, such as phthalates, PCBs, dioxins, and BPA, are known to disrupt hormones, potentially leading to issues like infertility, thyroid problems, early puberty, or even cancer. Additionally, pollutants and heavy metals like mercury and lead can compromise our immune systems and hinder development.

Our bodies are equipped with natural detoxification systems, but the sheer volume of toxins can overwhelm these processes, resulting in both acute and chronic health problems. Fortunately, there are several proactive steps we can take to support our well-being and reduce our toxic burden:

  1. Eat and Drink Wisely: Opt for organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. If organic isn’t always feasible, use a veggie wash like ETL No. 9 to remove pesticides. Incorporate detoxifying foods such as spirulina, chlorella, chia seeds, cilantro, parsley, broccoli, and kale into your diet. Also, invest in a water filter to remove chlorine and heavy metals from your drinking water.
  2. Breathe Clean Air: Improve indoor air quality with a hypoallergenic air purifier, especially in areas prone to mold and dust. Regularly ventilate your home and keep it free of clutter to create a healthier environment. If you smoke, do so outside. Adding houseplants can also help purify the air. Consider removing carpets, as they can trap dust and allergens.
  3. Reduce Plastic Use: Plastics are a significant source of endocrine disruptors. Replace plastic containers with glass or stainless steel alternatives. Use high-quality cookware like stainless steel or cast iron and bring your own reusable tote bags when shopping. For cleaning, opt for homemade solutions like:
    1. 10 drops of lemongrass and lemon essential oils, 4 drops of rosemary essential oil in 1 liter of filtered water
    2. ½ cup white vinegar, 1 liter of filtered water, and 2 tablespoons lemon
    3. ½ cup white vinegar, 3 tablespoons baking soda, 1-1.5 liters of filtered water
    • Choose natural, chemical-free cosmetics by referring to trusted sources like the Environmental Working Group, Orgayana, or Iherb. If you can’t easily pronounce the ingredients, it’s a sign to avoid it.
    • Detox Safely: With many detox programs available, it’s important to avoid extreme or crash detoxes, which can sometimes be harmful. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any new detox regimen or using supplements, as what works for one person might not be suitable for another.
    • Create a Positive Space: Beyond physical toxins, emotional well-being is crucial. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people and distance yourself from relationships that drain your energy. As Rumi wisely said, “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”

    In a world saturated with chemicals, it’s essential to take proactive steps to safeguard our health and that of our families. By making informed choices about our food, water, air quality, and products, we can significantly reduce our chemical exposure. Prioritise organic and natural options where possible, improve your home environment with air purifiers and dust reduction strategies, and choose safer, non-toxic products. Remember, detoxing should be done thoughtfully and with professional guidance. Lastly, don’t overlook the importance of emotional well-being; surround yourself with positivity and support. By adopting these practices, we can collectively work towards a healthier, less toxic life for ourselves and our loved ones.





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    Asaya Health Insights and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The material on Asaya Health Insights is produced by us and/or our collective support network, and is provided for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, supplement, exercise or other health-related programs.

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